It’s tricky to be approaching October 31st and be anti-Halloween. “What! What is wrong with you Miss Pat? Are you against candy? Do you hate little children? They look so cute in their costumes.” Yes, they do and when I step on a scale there is no question that I approve of candy. Why are we celebrating a holiday that features death and ugliness? I am the equivalent of scrooge at Christmas when it comes to Halloween. Dracula? Blood dripping from fake scars? I just am not for it. Do I hear a chorus of “Lighten up, it’s just for fun?” No thank you. I’m not interested.
Let me begin my defense by suggesting that we take a close look at the choice of decorating. It is not as if we are decking our homes with flowers. We are decorating with cute little tarantulas, skeletons, and witches. If I am not mistaken the keyword is ‘Boo’ as in “I will frighten you.” At the risk of being labeled very ‘old school’ I will be brave and ask, “Is scaring people fun?" (Note: I don’t mind being old school. But how old? Which school? The Little Red Schoolhouse?)
A lot of communities sponsor ‘safe’ trick or treating and have activities and booths set up with a carnival atmosphere. I like that practice and it gives me a chance to present myself as a person who enjoys fun instead of a crabby old lady. (What Me Crabby?) I still bristle at the Halloween décor and the haunted house but seeing cute children in costumes helps to soothe my ‘I don’t approve’ disposition. Yes, I favor the little princess and frown at the witch, but it’s not her fault. Who’s her mother?
When I was a child, I celebrated Halloween and it was an adventurous holiday. Growing up in a suburb, this was the only time that groups of children ran around outside at night. It was also a celebration only for children. Grown-ups were merely the chaperones that guided us through the neighborhood. They did not run around dressed up in costumes.
I enjoy a good holiday but October 31st is on the bottom of my list. I am for celebrating the fall season and by October, fall is really here. (Except when I am in Florida and October is a cool ninety degrees.) People are enjoying crisp fall air, apples, apples and more apples. Being the humble Queen of homemade applesauce, I am all about the fall season. The only 'boo' in my October is a boohoo when I have no leaves to shuffle through and the air is not crisp. I will not be negative, not me. I may slam Halloween, but I will enjoy a pumpkin latte, and suggest that we change Trick or Treat to Treat or Treat. With Treat or Treat in mind, I'll have a slice of apple pie with my pumpkin latte.