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Travel Texas Style

Patricia Finn

 For the first time in a long time this post is not a repeat. It is fresh, new and hot off the press. “Pourquoi?” You ask. I am in a plane enjoying my first travel experience since Covid. (I use A.C.& B.C. to distinguish after and before Covid.) The highlights of my travel are few but noteworthy.

The travel adventure began with my expert directions taking us to the top of a parking garage rather than to the Departure Drop Off. Fortunately a friend was driving and she was unrattled by my flawed “Turn here – no, no I think it is -um.. turn here” directions.

My flight left early in the morning which enabled me to successfully check in and proceed to the Gate area without being overwhelmed by crowds. Feeling the opposite of worldly, I scanned the assortment of fast-food counters, and was stopped by what can only be called Airport Art. It has been a while since I experienced Airport Art. I was standing in an airport that chose to capture my heart with a large brown sphere adorned with black iron rings. Interesting.

 Moving on, I paid $5.00 for a cup of hot tea. I have never paid $5.00 for a cup of plain black tea so I thought it was worth mentioning, but I also have never stood in front of a sphere decorated with iron rings and well…perhaps I need to travel more often.

FYI if you are over 75 you don’t have to remove your shoes at security. How nice. Is this because of wanting to respect our older citizens or because if they can’t get their shoes back on it would cause a delay? If I sound like a complainer I apologize because I had fun from check in to landing. I changed planes in North Carolina and I enjoyed a window seat on both flights. I decided that the blanket of white clouds looked like snow and the blue sky like water and perhaps I was on the wrong plane and headed to a ski resort?

I am too tech slow to watch flight entertainment but who needs entertainment when the Snack Cart is there to liven things up and add an element of friendship over shared food. Biscuits? My last flight offered chips and this airline gives cookies? That’s okay, I am 33,000 feet in the air and I love biscuits.

  Much to my surprise the woman seated next to me reached across and on to my tray to collect my cup to hand it to the stewardess who was slowly approaching but not standing with hands on her hip waiting for me to comply with efficient trash removal. All I can say is “Thanks Mom – the world would be so messy without you.” Where was she when we taught children to stay in their imaginary ‘bubble’ and not burst into someone else’s space?

Although a squeaking noise on my second flight was a sound that if I had been driving, I would have gone straight to the Dealer to get it checked, I landed safe and sound in Texas with an enthusiastic “Howdy Y’all

My daughter is petite and artistic and drives a huge and I repeat HUGE black pickup truck. I was airlifted into the passenger seat and began a western visit that mixed country with sophisticated city style. I think I understand Airport Art. Grab a ring. Hang on. This is going to be an adventure.




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