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Holiday Shopping

Patricia Finn


       December is such a busy month. Not wanting the shame of Scrooge, I enjoy the holiday season, but alas, alack, there is a problem. “Please, Miss Pat don’t tell me it is the commercialism that bothers you.” Just the opposite. I wish this were a secular holiday, a universal winter celebration. “What! How can you call yourself a ‘Believer’ and say that! Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.” True, but Jesus never said to celebrate His birthday. I read the book. I saw the movie; it just isn’t there. Santa? Reindeer? Bringing a tree inside and decorating it… it’s not in the Bible. However, in Isaiah, I did read that: “Unto us a Son is born, unto us a Child is given, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Prince of Peace.” We are told to Rejoice! So with joy in my heart, I will put certain principles aside and be ‘all in.’

             My favorite part of the Christmas Season is shopping for gifts. I love selecting presents, wrapping presents, and giving presents. Because I am addicted to thrift shop shopping, I will secretly add thrift shops to my retail list. When I go ‘thrift shop shopping,’ it’s the thrill of the hunt. I don’t know what I am looking for but there is a chance I might find it. Waiting for me under piles of junk is that one of a kind, wonderful, unexpected something that for only $4.00 will be the perfect gift for Kitty, Uncle Lester, and Sam. Naturally, I will keep an eye out for ‘yours truly.’

The key to successful thrift shop shopping is to revisit the territory often. If you visit the thrift shops often, you quickly learn which ones offer the best prices on select items. I am pleased to say that I found one shop that sells crystal and fine china at dollar store prices.

             On Book TV, I heard a presentation by an author who wrote The Obsessive Mind of the Collector. When does a thrift shopper turn into an obsessive collector? For me it was a Saturday at about 3:00 p.m. I can justify obsession. It takes your mind off reality and totally embraces you. Anything that absorbs your total attention is relaxing. You become lost in the moment. I can’t get too lost because my gift list is long, and the Holiday Season is short.

 “Wait a minute, I thought you said that you struggle with the secular commercialism of Christmas.” Oh that. I’ve changed my mind. I'm having too much fun. Happy Holidays!




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