Catfish is an interesting word. It is sad that a fish looks like its nemesis the cat. Very odd and very meaningless. Odd? Meaningless? The essential criteria I use when I write. Catfish have long catlike whiskers and walk on the ground. Do I really want to eat these? I mean, “Oh yes, fried catfish. Yum.” Cats eat fish; and this innocent animal has the physical characteristics of the species that wants to have it for dinner. Does this contradictory naming of God’s creatures apply to other animals? Looking at other animal names that are joined together, such as ‘horsefly,’ and ‘bulldog,’ none of these carry the impact of catfish. Even ‘birddog’ doesn’t match the cat-fish combo. Speaking on behalf of all animals who were cruelly given the name of their killer due to a biological mishap in which they played no part and using my courtroom ‘legalese’ I ask you, “Is this justice?
Forced to live in the mud, catfish make a drumming sound when distressed. Did I hear someone say, “Boring?” Oh. Boring? Just how boring is it that a 646-pound catfish was caught in Thailand in 2005? I have always envied people who are recognized as authorities in a particular area. That’s it! The perfect place for me to be an expert is catfish. No competition. Who would question my claims? Miss Pat—Catfish Expert. “As I was saying, there was a 646-pound catfish caught in Thailand, but these occurrences are rare. The humble but impressive catfish is a global creature found on every continent except Antarctica.” Could this make me rich? Now that I have reached ‘senior-hood’ is this the niche I have been searching for all these years? I have skimmed the surface of subjects from traditional Aztec Art to intergalactic molecular disturbances and all along it was ‘catfish’ waiting to be the focus of my intellectual pursuit. But wait a minute, do I really want my focus to be directed toward something that is served in the South with hush puppies? ‘Hushpuppy,’ now there’s an interesting word.