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The Right to Bare Arms

Patricia Finn

Beware, this is political. I have found my political identity. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Limping to the beat of my own drummer, I am a Conservative Federalist. Unfortunately, the party had its hay day in the late 1700’s but you never know, there could be a come-back. If not, I am happy to stand alone in a sea of discontent defining myself with a term no one understands.

To what do I owe my new political alliance? I have been reading history books instead of watching the news. I recommend it. In the late 1700’s there was considerable concern that President George Washington might be dragged from the White House by an angry mob who did not like one of his foreign policy decisions. What! You mean that was going on and our nation survived? History is great. It builds confidence that what we see, hear and fear has already happened and did not destroy us.

Not too long ago I saw a TV commercial for a banking App that had the Founding Fathers yelling at each other. They stopped arguing long enough to applaud the successful use of the App to make the Louisiana Purchase. One dignified Statesmen, is jabbing another in the chest with a pointed finger and shouting, “You are a nincompoop.” Hats off to the person who designed that ad. Such a great reminder that ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’

Celebrating The Fourth has given me a chance to reflect on our freedoms. In keeping with my air head image, I will first explore the freedoms that lack significance, and then those which may be significantly lacking. America, “The Land of the Free and the Brave.” We are free to brave short sleeves, sleeveless, and halter tops. You may be frowned on, but you will not be arrested. In America for the most part, what we wear is a choice. The basic rule is to be wearing something in the basic places most of the time.

In America, being female, I am free to go where I want, and when I want but this is not true globally. Just to get a glimpse of how twisted a reality that is, try to imagine the situation with gender reversal. Imagine a country where the men are not allowed to go outside alone, or drive a car, and have to walk around covered up except for their eyes. They are just too desirable they must be hidden or else who knows what might happen.

Worldwide not everyone is free to marry the person of their choice. The global Westernization of the world is changing the tradition of family arranged marriages, but I was surprised to read that it is still a popular practice. It is true that non-arranged marriages have not been working out too well, but it is a freedom. A study by Statistic Brain reported that 53.25 of the world’s marriages are prearranged. Thinking back, who in your social arena would your parents have contracted for you to marry? A scary thought? It is my understanding that in arranged marriages men have the right of refusal. They are given choices to visit and then accept or reject, similar to purchasing real estate.

Another choice we should not take for granted is the right to determine the number of children we will have. Recently, an Illinois couple celebrated the birth of their 100th grandchild. Leo & Ruth Zanger have 53 grandchildren, 46 great grandchildren and one great - great grandchild. “There is always room for one more.” Ruth happily quips. You can do that in America. It’s one freedom we don’t often talk about, but it is important.

Let me see, what other personal freedoms do we have? I can eat what I want, but that is pretty standard world-wide, except for the forbidden pig, or cow depending on how far east you travel. In countries that reject certain foods, I don’t think it is an issue that results in arrest, except for the consumption of alcohol. Remember prohibition? I hope you can’t remember prohibition, no one that old should be alive and reading this. My parents were a part of the ‘speakeasy” generation.

Did you think that this was going to be about gun control? I hesitate to go there. In America we are free to defend ourselves and own a gun. I thought that was what the police were for. Why is it always my team, the Christian Right, that advocate owning guns for protection? I thought that was what God was for. Let me see, I have covered dress, food, marriage, childbirth, guns, religion – Oh! How could I forget? The freedom to print your opinion.



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