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Monkey See - Monkey Don't

Patricia Finn

Are you tired of the same old bad news? Well, you’ve come to the right place for something new. Something different. Something horrible. Not wars. Not riots. Not a virus. No, this is unique and well, frankly it is disgusting. Remember the Thai slave monkeys? Well they are still being used to produce coconut milk.  In 2022 a product was pulled from the shelves at Target but the practice is still current.

I want more information. We live in a complicated world. Who would think to enslave monkeys to produce a product? (A country that is overrun with monkeys?)  Never in America. Not here, our ancestors may have enslaved people but never monkeys.

 Immediately I begin to wonder about animals that are used in simpler, perhaps healthier ways. What about the donkey cart? The plowing oxen? Is horseback riding at risk? Should we treat this like the turn of the century sweat shops and advocate for more humane conditions? No. It’s awful and I am glad that there are people who investigate and try to stop this type of practice. I won’t even mention the annual Chinese festival where thousands of dogs are killed. It is one of the worse animal abuse activities on the planet.

February is the Love month. The Chocolate month not the month to try to understand weird human practices that involve animals and I guess it is a choice where to put our thinking and our energy. The awful will always be with us. Will the Love always be here too? With focus. With effort. With the right attitude. With a smile.



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