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It's Still All About Love

Patricia Finn

Although we have passed Valentines Day, this month is all about Love. We are commanded to ‘love one another’ not just one another but our enemies. Just how does someone do that? Good grief, I have trouble loving my friends. If I follow the directions in the ‘love chapter’ the Holy Spirit will enable me to accomplish what I could never do on my own. The Love Chapter is the one that has been over quoted, over posted in kitchens, and so used that its impact is sometimes lost. In it we are directed to be patient, kind, not to envy or boast, not to be proud, or self-seeking. To not be easily angered, and to “keep no record of wrongs.” Stop. I can’t do any of this.

 If you have been reading FINNICKY for awhile you will know that I am the first to let someone else come to the rescue to help with every difficult task. That said, my tendency to defer the hard stuff to others fits right in with the command to love. I start the process by trying to do the right thing and trust that God’s Spirit will come to the rescue. With Divine help I have a fighting chance. But keep no records of wrongs? You mean I have to throw those lists away? Ouch. I am reminded of something that my dad once said. “If we don’t overlook the things that people do that we don’t like there wouldn’t be two people on the planet speaking to each other.” It’s worth considering.

So with love as my goal, I will continue to eat chocolate for the rest of the month and be thankful, thankful, thankful for Divine help.



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