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Finnicky has been engaging readers since 2017.

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                                                   Chocolate, Chocolate And More Chocolate

I’ve heard it said that “February is the longest, shortest month.” What does happen in February? Obviously, Valentine’s Day is the month’s highlight but let’s not forget Ground Hog Day and President’s Day. On February 2, Ground Hog Day kicks off February with a fizzle. A rodent sees or does not see its’ shadow and winter weather hangs in the balance. This has mild excitement and some commercial potential. Competing with Valentine's Day would be a difficult task for any rival but why miss an opportunity to captivate our imaginations with little toy ground hogs. Ground Hog Day T Shirts would be nice, perhaps a cute furry face with a large shadow looming in the background. With the addition of a coffee flavor, Ground Hog Day has a real chance to take the February holiday lead.            

As for elevating President's Day to the level of Valentine’s Day there are complications. President’s Day is a sensitive issue. Which Presidents are still on the ‘good guy’ list, and which are not?  Controversy and confusion knock President’s Day out of the competition.

             The history behind Valentine’s Day is a little sketchy but does it matter? I searched the internet to find answers to important questions such as: Was there really a Saint Valentine? Is Cupid real? Valentine’s Day affection can be traced back to the Third Century when the Roman Emperor Claudis II assassinated two men named Valentine. The Romans did a lot of assassinations and a lot of wild debauchery. I am glad that we’ve said goodbye to ancient Rome, hello to Western Romanticism and who will admit to being anti-love? More important—who doesn’t like chocolate?

Always willing to show off my DIY skills, I make my own Valentine’s Day candy. I melt chocolate in a microwave and then pour it into mini heart molds. Does it get any easier? Using a paper lace doily, I present my chocolate hearts for the world to admire. “Oooh you made these?” I respond with a modest smile, thinking, well yeah it is one step beyond opening a bag of candy and dumping it into a bowl. “Yes, I do make my own Valentine’s Day chocolate hearts. Why scrimp when it comes to showing how much you care?”

February may be the longest shortest month but thanks to chocolate and Saint Valentine we can enjoy a delicious and hard to beat celebration. Last year, 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate were sold. With its popular Chocolate / Love theme, Valentine’s Day easily trumps both weather forecasting and our heritage. Am I being redundant when I say, “I love Valentine’s Day”


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Walking With My Foot In My Mouth

Bored? Not anymore. Written in a casual, upbeat and conversational style, Walking With My Foot in My Mouth is a light read for Seniors. Humorous mishaps, mini adventures and opinionated opinions remind readers that life is good, life is fun, and age doesn’t matter. Held hostage by a family of raccoons, unnerved by punk rockers, does Miss Pat really bring her cats to Long John Silver for lunch? Walking With My Foot in My Mouth is a collection of essays taken from the blog FINNICKY. Written by a Baby Boomer for the generation of Boomers, Walking With My Foot in My Mouth is dedicated to everyone who has crossed the threshold into 'Seniorhood'.

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